Every time I hear a jet fly over me, I look up in amazement, then I think to myself, it's not stopping here. When I hear a gunshot in the air I figure someones hunting or practicing for the next season, but the gunshots aren't stopping here. Why do I not have to be afraid of the sound of jets overhead, or the sound of gunshots......because the explosions, the roadside bombings, the humming of tanks and humvees are not here! Do you realize that there are children in Iraq right now who wake up and go to sleep in fear? Do you realize that there are women who are afraid to travel alone in fear they may not return to their families? The sound of gunfire and explosions and cries are what the people in Iraq and those other countries hear why we in America are listening to our radios and watching our television sets.
You know something....that could be us. We could be the ones who fear silence as much as noise, expecting any minute are homes could be taken over by the enemy. Praise the Lord, however, we have men and women fighting as you sit there at your computer. The war isn't happening here because of those very people. Every single day the soldiers risk their lives so that we can be free! Thanks to those who serve, we don't have to watch where we walk, or be afraid to get into a car or shop at a crowded market.
On the other hand, do you realize that there are children in America* who wake up and go to sleep in fear because Daddy or Mommy may not come home during their next holiday leave? Do you realize that in America* there are terrified women lying in their beds at night with their children pulled tightly to them? These women are lonely and scared without their husbands, their protector and comforter, with them? There are hundreds of women across America* pregnant with children who plead and beg their husbands not to go, don't leave them, even though they know they must. Whether you want to believe it or not there are women, wives and mothers, who go away to fight so we can be safe.
You know, it really doesn't matter if you support this war or not, it doesn't change the facts. We owe a lot more to those who serve our country then a yellow bumper sticker or a plead that President lets them come home. We owe them our prayers and our support. We owe them a "thank you" and kind words. We need to be there for their families too. I challenge all Christians who read this blog:
When you see Hummer going down the road (yes, even the fancy ones that those opposed to the war often drive :/ ) pray for those who drive the military vehicles.
When you hear a gunshot, pray for the soldiers on foot.
When you see a jet fly across the sky, pray for those in the Air Forces.
Then praise the Lord that's it's not stopping here!
We don't support the war because we want to, we do it because we HAVE to! So pray for President Bush every time you hear someone put him down. Pray that God would give him wisdom. President Bush is a Christian, does God not hear his cries too?
Thank you to those who serve this country*! May you have peace in the Lord today! Ya'll are my Heroes!
In Memory of

SSgt. Christopher N. Hamlin

SSgt. Christopher N. Hamlin
*America has a host of other countries with deployed troops fighting along side our troops. These countries include United Kingdom, Poland, Canada, Australia, and Denmark. Thanks to NEOCounter I can view how many vistors my blog has had from all countries, I know you're reading, so.......let me hear from you! If your country has troops deployed, let me know (I accept anonymous comments ;) )
Thank you Melissa for this excellent post! You are so right!
I am so thankful for our men and women fighting for our countries (canada and US) too. I thank God for them and ask Him to watch over each one and protect them. I wish there was more I could do. I will always pray for them and for Pres Bush and my own nations leader Prime Minister Harper (he's a Christian too...thank God)
But, I wish there was still more I could do...
Love this post,
Thank you so much Candy for your comment! Also, thanks for reminding me about the Canadian troops as well. I do need to make mention of that!
Really good post, Melissa. Unfortunately, the war is something I easily put out of my mind. How incredibly selfish of me. Thank you for the much needed reminder to PRAY for them!!!
Did you know Mr. Hamlin in the photograph? Was he a friend of yours? I will pray for his family.
Mrs. U
Thank you, Mrs. U. I often forget about them too, that's sad. Yes, I did know Chris. We went to school together. He was a really nice guy, on his third mission in Iraq, where he was killed.
Hmmmm... good post overall, Melissa. I do think we take for granted so much that we don't live in a war-torn nation.
One thing I wanted to mention was this: (I am not directing any of this just at you, but making a general statement, by the way.)
While we should always support our troops, their sacrifice and their bravery we should also think. We need to think about why this war came about, who made the decision to send our men and women over there and whether or not we should be in the war at all. We need to consider whether this was is constitutional or even good for our own national security. Today people make it seem as though if you are not for the war and disagree with the way our government goes about things you are not patriotic. They are wrong. This country was founded on the idea that we should be able to look at the facts and if our government is wrong they should be held accountable. I agree that we should pray for president Bush. But we should also not blindly accept that he is a Christian. We need to look at his fruit. Frankly, I haven't seen it.
It's really easy to not really think about what is really going on and react on our emotions. It is really easy to see people dieing over there and say that we have to support the war and the administration, otherwise we are not being patriotic and not supporting our troops. I know it's easy because I have watched my brother's 2 best friends (19 years old) be buried within one month of each other after going over there. Then I watched my brother go over to Iraq once, and now he is there again.
We went into this war for the wrong reasons. The President went about going to war unlawfully and unconstitutionally. We have been manipulated into being scared to death of terrorists who actually want us over there so that they can further their agenda. It is a war that is without end and without victory. But not without the loss of our men.
Let's learn, research and think before we blindly support something so unjust.
Mrs. S.
Thanks for commenting, Mrs. S. You are right, President Bush may not really be a Christian, perhaps a fake. He may be putting on an act trying to look good in a country with millions of non-believers and millions of more fakers. We really can't say that he is a Christian, after all, just because he speaks openly about the Lord in speeches, doesn't mean he's a Christian. So, yeah, you're right about that.
Mrs. S. You emphasize that we should educate ourselves and really think. Let me ask you, who is fueling your political education? Is it the media, or do you have someone from "inside" who is educating you? How do we get the facts and not washed up opinions? Because that's what a lot of the information is, on ALL sides!
Just so everyone knows, I appreciate intelligent conversation. I appreciate people like Mrs. S, who sometimes disagree and don't mind saying it. Face it, we are mostly women on one another's blogs, let's talk!
Interesting discussion. Well let's start with Bush. If he was a fake Christian, then he is really hurting his international reputation more than anything. People hate to hear about God, so any public mention of Him makes their skin cringe. Since Bush is making people's skin cringe for the sake of God, that leads me to believe he is doing a lot more for God than anyone else in the media.
As for the war being unconstitutional and unlawful: that's not correct. The war was approved and funded by our Congress and we the people elected our Congress. So there is nothing illegal or unconstitutional about it. Bush proposed it, the House and Senate passed it, and Bush signed it. Completely constitutionally.
The war began on our borders on 9/11. On September 12, 2001 we were all afraid and completely agreed that we had to fight for the protection of the entire nation. Sometimes all we see is bloodshed and we can become angered. The media (strangely) overlooks the tens of thousands of Iraqis slaughtered by Hussein. If anything, we liberated them. We helped them like France helped us in getting our freedom against an oppressive nation in the Revolutionary War. Even if we didn't find weapons of mass destruction, we freed a people terrorized by a monster. Freedom isn't free. War is not forgiving. It takes the ones we love and care about. It has upset countless families throughout history. But we all knew that war was the right thing to do on September 12, 2001. We had to repel terrorism.
Ms. S....I'm thinking... Didn't this war come from a manhunt for Osama bin Ladin? Bush did decide to send many of our troops over there to hunt him down. Oh and since we were over in the region why not get Sadaam?
Why shouldn't we have gone over there after 9/11 to hunt the man down that had organized this terroristic plot to crash planes into the pentagon, world trade center and another one that could have possible been headed for the white house?
Sometimes the best defense is offense.
I don't think you're unpatriotic, but I do think people like rosie o'donnell is unpatriotic by saying that our troops are terrorist when they are the ones protecting us.
What were the wrong reasons we went to war?
Question: How come we have SOOO MANY people against a war against terrorism against us, but they want us to go into Darfur? We would be doing the same thing that we did in Iraq right? Except it would be a "humanitarian" agenda instead of "protect ourselves" agenda :/
Ms. S....I'm thinking... Didn't this war come from a manhunt for Osama bin Ladin? Bush did decide to send many of our troops over there to hunt him down. Oh and since we were over in the region why not get Sadaam?
Why shouldn't we have gone over there after 9/11 to hunt the man down that had organized this terroristic plot to crash planes into the pentagon, world trade center and another one that could have possible been headed for the white house?
Sometimes the best defense is offense.
I don't think you're unpatriotic, but I do think people like rosie o'donnell is unpatriotic by saying that our troops are terrorist when they are the ones protecting us.
What were the wrong reasons we went to war?
Question: How come we have SOOO MANY people against a war against terrorism against us, but they want us to go into Darfur? We would be doing the same thing that we did in Iraq right? Except it would be a "humanitarian" agenda instead of "protect ourselves" agenda :/
I couldn't have said it better, I really couldn't have. Thank you for backing up your comments with history. We have forgotten how angry we were after 9/11. Suddenly everyone was "patriotic."
I felt inclined:
Patriotic: adj. Feeling, expressing, or inspired by love for one's country. -AH Dictionary
Something you love is worth fighting for, and even dying for...especially for freedom!
Once again, Freedom:
"the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint"
THINK: Religion
Thank you for reminding all of us to continue to pray for our troops and our country's leaders. No matter what our opinion, they all need our prayers.
~ Christina
Interesting discussion! :)
(This comment is regarding Mrs S's comment..this is just a general statement to, not even directed to Mrs S, just my own personal thoughts)
I actually do believe that Pres. Bush is a Christian. Do I know for certain? No of course not. But what makes a Christian? Isnt it having the Lord in you heart asking Him for forgiveness and being the Lord of your life.
I have heard Pres Bush talk openly about God and maybe yes he might "talk the talk" and maybe we dont see him "walk the walk" so to speak..BUT I actually HAVE seen him do both, talk the talk and walk the walk, most recently on a documentary about him and how he grew up and what him and Mrs. Bush believe and that they do attend Church and all that...
I have seen him talk and act more like a Christian than Clinton thats for sure!
And whether Pres Bush is a "true" Christian or not, at least he has a little Christian in him and that little bit is something we can pray for. We should ALWAYS remember our leaders in prayer.
What concerns me is if we back out of war or back out of what we are doing there now, what will happen! I am seriously concerned that the terrorist (yes, there actually are terrorists in my opinion...9/11 for example and not only 9/11 there have been more acts of terrorism even under Clintons admin) will strike again. Infact, if the Bible is true, which I believe it is, then we will see wars.. and more attacks etc.
I can imagine how hard of a job Pres Bush has. I think we need to support him and for sure not tear him down. Afterall, he doesnt solely make all the decisions, he has a group of people that help him actually run the country.
My stand, I will always pray for him.
.....and He isnt even MY President but we LOVE him here in Canada..can you tell ;)
Thanks for letting me share my personal thoughts,
Melissa... I thank you for being open to discussion on such matters. Not everyone is willing to talk about such things. I don't want to hijack your comments section so I'll try to keep this brief (but it probably will still be long, sorry).
I do not have an inside source. I do know that mainstream media pretty much decides what the news is instead of actually reporting the news, so I try to find different sources on the internet and elsewhere.
As far as whether Bush is a Christian or not... none of us really know. I do know that I don't trust much of what he says because he has been caught in lies before. A lot of things have made him look good and a lot of things have made him look not so good. After reading both sides I have come to my conclusion.
As far as whether the war is constitutional or not here is an article I read that has a good explanation:
It is written by congressman and current Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. He is a true conservative who sticks to the constitution as we should.
The idea that after 9/11 we needed to go into Iraq isn't backed up by much. Osama Bin Laden wasn't even there. In fact, the 9/11 commission report talks about how us going over there before 9/11 may have brought on the attacks and then going into Iraq made it even worse. There is a reason they hate us and want to kill us. Yes, there are terrorists. Yes, they do crazy things. But invading Muslim countries and building bases in their backyards has probably contributed to it. How would we feel if China was doing what we do in the Middle East in our country?
It's an interesting question: whether we helped the Iraqi people or not. When my brother came back from serving in Iraq the first time he described a place of chaos. People were thankful to them for what they did in bringing Saddam down, but also didn't want them over there because they were causing the insurgency to kill not only our troops but the Iraqi citizens. The troops are doing their job over there and I pray for them. Anything that may or may not be wrong with this war regarding policy has nothing to do with the troops.
How could we know what was the right thing to do on September 12, 2001? We were all in a state of shock, anger and pain. Reacting on emotion certainly gets us in a heap of trouble.
Invading another country to protect our own makes no sense. Our nation was founded on the idea of protecting our country, our people and leaving other countries alone. The irony of us wanting the Middle East to be democratic is that our country was founded by those breaking away from a government telling them what to do religiously, governmentally and otherwise.
I don't think that staying in Iraq could prevent us from another terrorist attack. Wouldn't it make more sense to have our military on our own soil protecting our borders?
Oh I'm sorry this has gotten so long. I just wanted to address points that you all made.
Mrs. S.
Mrs. S, I sensed frustration towards the government and America in your post "Thinking". I used to feel the same way. All I could see was how far off America is from it's original roots. I see the government's unconstitutional power. I see the outrageous authority of the Supreme Court. I see America falling apart at the seams. The founding fathers probably would turn over in their graves if they saw America now. I didn't see anything good in America except the little freedom that we still have. But... there is some good in this world, and it's worth fighting for. You have to fight for what you love. If the president and government lead us into a war that is all wrong in your opinion, everyone must understand that they are fighting for what they love: this country. There is some good left nation. We the people have to make the most of it... and fight for it.
I think it is quite hilarious at the fiery darts that come out now but I wonder where they were on September 11, 2001.
All that this president, as with any other, has to go on is the intelligence that is available to him. He went into this with congress' appproval and has done what he could.
I suppose we would not have so many Jane Fonda's if someone bombed our house off its foundation tomorrow. Maybe if the people that Saddam butchered, tortured, raped and eliminated could speak from the grave, they might be for supporting freedom and the right to live without tyranny.
If you think about it some of the off the wall comments that we make are because of the freedom that some here are scoffing at.
In the end, it sure is easy being an arm-chair president and soldier.
I think we all should look into the eyes of those we love and thank God for those who want to protect our country; including our president.
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