In effort to remember the everyday wonderful things, not just the special things at Christmas time, Emily at Chatting at the Sky is hosting, "Everyday Unwrapped".
I had every intention of posting a big picture of sorts and being somewhat sappy, but I almost didn't do it because my in-laws will be here soon for supper. Then it hit's moments like this, having family over, for no reason, to have a meal together. I love my family, my new family included. Thank you Lord for my in-laws, and time to be together.....smack in the middle of Christmas rush!
The photo above is me with my sweet Mother-in-Love!
Such a happy, wonderful post!!! Thanks you for the reminder to notice and enjoy all things this Christmas- especially family!
Mrs. U
Hi Melissa! This was a perfect, perfect post! I am certain that you know all too well how easy it is to get caught up in the to do list as you have only been married less than 2 months. I remember those days very well. It seemed our house would never be home. Good for you for recognizing the very essence of what unwrapping the gift of your everyday is all about. Thanks for linking up!
Have a wonderful dinner and enjoy your company! What a beautiful bride you are! :-)
This is such a nice post! I'm glad you have such a great relationship with your in-laws, and that you're smart enough to notice it! :)
Beautiful post! Happy Holidays!
Perfectly said!
Hi Melissa, having nice in-laws is such a pleasure isn't it?
BTW, I went to Wal-Mart looking for that face cream you suggested and it was no where to be found. Tell me it's description again.
-New Mom
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