The bracelet measures 5 inches long without extender. Perfect for a one year old!
With the extender it can fit up to an 11 year old!
Here's how to enter, there are two chances:
First Chance: Leave a comment for me :D You can always e-mail me at
Second Chance: Put a link on your blog for this giveaway.
You can enter up until 4 PM (EST) on Sunday (July 19) afternoon. The drawing will be held on Sunday evening at 8 PM (EST).
*You do not have to have a little girl to win this. It would make a great gift! The winner can choose to have it mailed to themselves, or sent to a gift recipient.

HOW ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! May I enter, please?? Oh, and I just posted about it on my blog. FUN!!
Mrs. U
Absolutely the cutest. While my baby girl would look cute with the bracelet, I know another baby girl this was just made for. Her baby sister was born on Monday and I think while everyone is oogling over the newbie, she could use a reminder that she is special too.
This is so sweet! It would be perfect for our littlest daughter! (10 months)
Now that is what I call "danty!" Any little girl will love that!
Kim O
That is so pretty...I have a couple of friends who are having babies. That would make such a sweet gift.
put me in two times please.. love your blog ;)
How lovely!!!!
I would love to be entered!
Many Blessings~ Jen
This is perfectly precious!
That little thing is so dear :) My daughter would LOVE it !
That is very sweet. Love that it can grow with the child.
Very sweet!! I would love to enter, my daughter loves bracelets(she is 2). Ansd pink is her favorite color!!!
Precious! That would be a perfect babyt gift if my daughter didn't find it first. How fun that you make jewelry. I had no idea.
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