UPDATE (Afternoon): Jennifer is currently in an isolated room due to MRSA being very active in her body. She has battled against this staph infection for MONTHS. She is about to be visited by the anesthesia team, and then should go into surgery. She has been there since 8:30 AM, it's 12:15 now. Please keep praying.

Please pray for my sister-in-law Jennifer (my husband's twin sister). She was diagnosed with C ushing's Disease a few months ago. There is a tumor that has formed on her pituitary gland that will be removed tomorrow, July 30th.
Jennifer has battled with this disease for a while, we wonder if it has even been for three years since her three-year-old twins were born.
Please Pray:
1) That God's will is done. We know God can heal her, but we want it in accordance with His will.
2) Her husband. He loves Jennifer very much and I am sure it is hard for him to see her go through this. She is a very organized and together person. It will be different seeing her in recovery.
3) Her three-year-old boys. I will be caring for them, along with my husband for the rest of this week at my in-laws home. On Saturday, my other sister-in-law, along with her child, will come and stay in town and care for them while I work. We will all work together to give them the best care. This could go on for a couple weeks or more. I know the boys will miss their mom and dad, but given the recovery time from brain surgery, it is best they are cared for away from their small home.
Last night, C ameron was crying and C arson said, "He just wants his daddy!" That just breaks my heart! Please pray for those little boys, they don't understand what is going on, and they love their mommy dearly.
4) Her quick recovery. As I mentioned above, she is a very organized and together person. She gets up early to get things going. She is always packed ahead, home is always clean.....she is just always on top of things. I'm not that kind of person, but I can imagine that it would be hard to be that kind of person and have to rest and be confined for awhile when there is so much other things you realize need to be done.
Her mother (Mrs. LS) will be caring for her at Jennifer's home as long is necessarily. Please pray for Mrs. LS as well. She will be away from our work (of which she is Director over). She has a lot already on her plate, but her daughter is her #1 priority.
Thank you for praying. God is good and His will is perfect!

My prayers are with Jennifer. Our Lord says..."Peace I leave with you. My peace I give unto you. Not as the world giveth give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27
I will be praying!
Love in Christ~ Jen
I am praying!!!!
May I blog this??
Mrs. U
Thank you Wanda, Jen and Mrs. U!
Mrs. U, you may blog about it!
I will be praying.
I just found your blog through the blogroll on 50s Housewife and stumbled on this post and felt drawn to it; I'm familiar with Cushings because I have been tested and retested for it over the last seven years. Your sister-in-law is very, very lucky to have been diagnosed; she likely did have it 3 years ago--and longer. It is a very difficult disease to diagnose and a very difficult disease to find qualified doctors for. She is blessed to have both.
I hope all went well with the surgery and to read about the outcome. Good luck to you and your obviously wonderfully supportive family.
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